iZZY’s designs are all original artworks made in the Top-End of the Northern Territory, Australia, where the artist lives and works. The designs are reproduced on silk screens and screen-printed by hand on top-quality Australian apparel (T-Shirts, Singlets, Hoodies, Jumpsuits etc) for all ages and sizes. All individual items are therefore unique handmade editions lovingly designed and printed by the artist in the artist’s home (backyard) studio.
iZZY is a social-ecological artist working across many mediums, such as printing, installation, digital media, performance and sculpture. iZZY's work subversively encourages change through action and engagement at the enveloping convergence of ecology, culture and psychology, in an interrogation of the age of the anthropocene. iZZY has exhibited in and curated exhibitions across Australia, including NSW, WA, VIC, and NT. iZZY calls Katherine in the NT's Top-End home, where the traditional lands of the Jawoyn, Dagoman and Wardaman converge.
iZZY founded the BACKYARD iBiS APPRECiATiON SOCiETY (BiAS) in 2020. BiAS is a nationwide group dedicated to the celebration of the once sacred Australian Ibis species' (Glossy, Straw-Necked and Australian White). Izzy has heard it all, Bin Chicken, Tip Turkey, Picnic Pirate ... but sees the Ibis as the modern day 'Ecological warrior of the Anthropocene' as it survives and proliferates on the mess of humans in our cities and towns. Izzy encourages us all to walk together to learn from each other - to walk in each other’s footsteps and share our special skills, experiences and knowledges to find a better way to live on this planet with all other species and peoples.
Join BiAS today and suit up in your own iZZY designed clothing.
A group (collective noun) of Ibis' are called a stand, wedge or congregation. iZZY believes that we can learn collectively, from the young, the old and all diversity of species and peoples. Whether you are Ibis - Glossy, Straw Necked or White - human or other, we have much to gain learning from and sharing with each other and our experiences, stories, wisdom, fields of knowledge and our habit(at)s and actions. Leading the flock shows this in action, with the congregation of Australian White Ibis learning from the teachings, wisdom and knowledge of the Straw-Necked Ibis.
Let's flock together and find a way forward!
iZZY knows that Ibis are much maligned for the simple fact of being, existing and finding their way in this world, however oddly they may seem. Just like Ibis, all can adapt and change (ideally, for the better). Being or looking different shouldn’t result in discrimination, ostracisation, or name-calling (or worse). Difference and diversity are to be nurtured and celebrated! Let’s stand together, call out and work to change the abject behaviours that many still have in the face of difference and discrimination - against each other, other species and the planet (and beyond).
Together We Stand, United we rise! All hail the Flam-ibis!
Hand-made screen printing is the process of transferring a stencilled design onto a flat surface using a mesh screen, ink and a squeegee. Fabric and paper are the most commonly screen-printed surfaces. The basic method involves creating a stencil on a fine mesh screen, and then pushing ink through to create an imprint of your design on the surface beneath.
Check out the process as outlined by the Met Museum in New York.

iZZY’s suppliers of blank garments undertake industry best-practice ETHICAL SOURCING & SUSTAINABILITY PROCESSES. iZZY uses eco-friendly and water-based Permaset Aqua & Supercover inks, produced sustainably using 100% renewable energy and non-toxic ingredients. PRiNTS using these inks are breathable and durable with vivid and long-lasting colours ensuring maximum comfort. Prints are wash, dry clean resistance and iron-able. iZZY recommends, normal machine wash, iron inside-out. Do not bleach.
Get in touch with iZZY!
M: 0447 202 243
FB: facebook.com/IzzyIbisDesigns
IG: instagram.com/izzyibis
#: @IzzyIbisDesigns